Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How About Some Lunchtime Action?

Meet me today at 12:30PM Eastern when I am interviewed by Corrall Russell LIVE on Alchemy of Scrawl on BlogTalk Radio .

I promise a few laughs and, from listening to Coral's past shows, she is a hoot.  Should be FUN.

Also, tomorrow, my guest post will appear on Two Fisted Blogger .  I will be speaking about "What makes a good Action/Adventure" book like I know what I am talking about.  Fake it 'till you make it, Baby!

Lastly, expect to see something special on here tomorrow as I attempt to work up some good karma.



  1. Hey Heidi!

    If you go to the site, you can hear the whole interview IF you choose the option to listen to it on MediaPLayer or the like. Blogtalk radio cut us off at one point lol.

    The whole Bombadil thing was just kind of pointless to me. A bunch of wandering and no fighting :). Please don't throw stones at me for criticizing one lone aspect of Tolkien's work! I am not a heretic I promise.


  2. Wasn't able to join you live, but am listening to it right now. Always good to hear about your books! Hey, got a shiny new blog myself
    come and see me!

  3. Can I tell my boss to take a break (or a hike) while I'm listening to this????

  4. Like the new blog, Katy!

    And Camelia, of course! Or sneak it, that is what headphones are for :)

